General Information > Access
You can take the train from Munich Central Station, which takes around 2 hours and costs around 40€. Trains run at least every hour. From Munich Airport, you can take the S-Bahn to Munich Central Station in around 30 minutes. Train tickets can be purchased both online and at the ticket machine on site shortly before departure.
You can also take the train from Vienna Airport, which takes around 3 hours and costs around 50-60€. Trains run at least every hour. Tickets can be purchased both online and at the ticket machine shortly before departure.
If you come by car and are parking by the University please note that it is a short term parking zone, maximum parking 3 hours.
Starting from May 1, 2025, Salzburg will introduce the Guest Ticket for public transport, a new initiative aimed at enhancing sustainable tourism and public transportation. This ticket allows tourists to use all public transportation within the Salzburg region for free during their stay.
Key Points:
- Availability:The Guest Ticket for public transport will be available to all overnight guests in Salzburg.
- Cost: The ticket is funded through a small daily mobility fee included in the accommodation cost.
- Usage: With this ticket, tourists can travel on buses, trains, and other public transport services across the entire Salzburg region without any additional cost.