Register and Pay here
Price Categories
Regular attendee (early bird) 450 EUR
Regular attendee 550 EUR
Student/ postdoc (early bird) 120 EUR
Student/ postdoc 170 EUR
conference dinner for participants 15 EUR
conference dinner for accompanying persons 75 EUR
Further Information
- For the payment you need to create an additional account. You can switch to english by using the button in the upper right of the browser tab. Continue with the submenu registration and follow the outlines there.
- Payment is supported via standard credit card and "sofort" direct payment.
- Registration fee includes taxes, coffee breaks, lunches for the days of the conference, and welcome reception on 14/07/2025.
- For the conference dinner you need to register. Participants can further purchase up to two additional conference dinner for accompanying persons during payment.
- Registration is final only after payment.
For questions, contact us: